
Adrienne Stewart MD

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Cutera Laser Vein Treatment in Denver, CO

Spider vein treatments in Cherry Creek

Tiny web-like spider veins can appear on your skin because of hormones, prolonged standing, or genetic factors. If you don’t like how they look, board-certified dermatologist Adrienne Stewart, MD, and medical aesthetician Willa Roberts can provide Cutera® laser vein treatments at Aesthetic Surgery and Dermatology of Cherry Creek in Denver, Colorado. Call the Cherry Creek office or schedule a consultation for Cutera online today.

What is Cutera® laser vein treatment?

Cutera laser vein treatment uses light energy to coagulate blood in targeted veins and constrict those veins until they close. It’s a cosmetic treatment that can get rid of certain vascular lesions for good.

The blood that once flowed through the targeted vein gets redirected through other vessels in the area, so there is no issue with blood flow blockages resulting from Cutera laser vein treatment. Many people choose to target visible veins or broken blood vessels on their face or legs with Cutera, but the procedure can treat spider veins anywhere.

Cutera laser vein treatment is effective and safe for people of all skin tones and types. During your consultation at Aesthetic Surgery and Dermatology, your specialist reviews your medical history and plans the procedure according to your goals.

What does Cutera treat?

Cutera laser vein treatment specializes in treating spider veins, which you might know as broken blood vessels. These are tiny blood vessels just under your skin that are close enough to the surface that you can see them.

Spider veins are natural, and anyone can get them, but women are more likely to see them on their faces, legs, and other areas than men. You’re at an increased risk of getting spider veins because of:

  • Hormonal changes
  • Birth control pills
  • Your genetics
  • A spike in pressure from sneezing, coughing, etc.
  • Prolonged sitting or standing

Although spider veins are harmless on their own, you might not like how they look against otherwise clear skin. Cutera gets rid of them so that you don’t have to cover them with clothing or makeup.

What should I expect after Cutera laser vein treatment?

Cutera laser vein treatment can result in some redness and bruising. After using Cutera to treat more prominent veins, you might also see some skin discoloration. All of these side effects are mild and eventually fade away.

You can return to work and most other activities immediately after a Cutera treatment at Aesthetic Surgery and Dermatology of Cherry Creek. Your specialist may recommend avoiding strenuous exercise for a few days and protecting the treated areas with sunscreen, as they’ll be a little more sensitive than usual.

Two to six weeks after your Cutera laser vein treatment, you can see the results. New spider veins can still form, but the treated veins are gone for good. You can book additional treatments at Aesthetic Surgery and Dermatology of Cherry Creek as needed.

Call Aesthetic Surgery and Dermatology of Cherry Creek or schedule a consultation for Cutera laser vein treatment online today.

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